Earning the title of civically inclined royalty, Lyra Done is celebrated in her community as the legendary Queen of Oro Valley. With over a quarter century of service and participation across numerous local organizations and on two terms with the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, Done’s importance to her Arizona hometown continues to flourish. Inspired by a commitment to making a positive impact, her story is one of great pride and admiration, unifying the admirers she had accrued due to her selfless actions.
The story of Lyra Done, the Queen of Oro Valley, began a quarter century ago when the 83-year-old accountant and realtor moved to Oro Valley from the Tucson area in 1995. Achieving her dream of retiring with her husband, Done had no plans of slowing down and has since made an incredible impact on her community. In honor of her legacy, a bench with an excellent view of the vast Pusch Ridge scenery in Riverfront Park now bears a plaque reading, “Lyra Done, Queen of Oro Valley”, accompanied by a nearby mesquite sapling. Her story is one of great pride and admiration.
She has been involved with numerous local organizations, including Women of Impact Tucson, the Northern Pima County Chamber of Commerce, Oro Valley Historical Society, and the Southern Arizona Home Builders Association. Additionally, she served two terms on Oro Valley’s Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. Done continues to be an inspiring and valued figure in her community, and her commitment to making a positive impact is undeniable.
She has earned the title of “Queen of Oro Valley” through her hard work and dedication, and proudly wears two tiaras to symbolize this accomplishment.
Done is passionate about investing in the youth and will only join projects that she is actively interested in. To maintain her success, she follows a few meaningful mantras, such as “living like a sunflower” with your back to the shadows and the sun facing you. Her home is filled with sunflowers, and she never takes off her jewelry depicting the beautiful flowers. A plaque honoring Done was recently placed on a bench in Riverfront Park, further celebrating her remarkable achievements.
The Tucson Association of Realtors, Southern Arizona Home Builders Association, and the Town of Oro Valley came together to recognize Lyra Done’s long-time active service with a bench and tree in her honor. Despite not being aware of the celebration, Done was still overwhelmed by the support and appreciation shown by those assembled. The crowd included notable figures such as former Oro Valley Mayor Satish Hiremath, former Council Member Lou Waters, Golder Ranch Fire District Chief Randy Karrer, and former State Senator Steve Farley, along with Done’s family. It was clear that the kind gestures from the community were well-deserved and appreciated by all.
Steve Huffman, of the Tucson Association of Realtors, acted as the master of ceremony and opened up the microphone to anyone who wished to speak. The heartfelt remarks from the eight or nine people who spoke were a testament to Done’s impact and dedication to the community.
One woman in particular stood out, proudly proclaiming her love of Oro Valley, Arizona.
“Look at the typography!” She exclaimed. “It’s a true work of art, and the only thing that could mar its beauty is us not taking care of it. I’m especially proud to have my little park bench there – it’s a testament to how much Oro Valley means to me.”
Lyra Done continues to be an icon in Oro Valley and a symbol of the power of dedication and commitment. Her story is marked by admirable community involvement and passionate advocacy as she shows no signs of slowing down. The landmark bench named after her serves not only to celebrate her reign over Oro Valley but also to recognize the imperishable legacy of this realtor, accountant, and tireless volunteer. Lyra Done will forever be known as “The Queen of Oro Valley,” immortalized in the benchmark of excellence and inspiration set by her indomitable spirit.
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